About me
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My name is Jamie Dew, and I serve as the president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Prior to coming to New Orleans, I was the dean of the College at Southeastern where I also taught philosophy and the history of ideas.
This is my podcast where I discuss pastoring, philosophy, and being a dad.
DOWNLOAD LET THIS MIND BE IN YOU (Available only here)
Here's a short bit of text about this section.
Here are the books I've written or edited.
Philosophy & Theology
Read my blog
Six tips for shepherding your child in public
Sometimes our kids misbehave. And sometimes they do it in public! They kick, they scream, they act disrespectful, they cry, they throw a tantrum. With our four, this has happened quite a few times over the past 9 years. And since it happens in public, it’s...
5 important questions to ask about your child’s future
“What kind of men will they be?” These were the words that went through my mind the first time I held both of my two sons for the first time. I would later hold my two daughters and wonder the the same thing. I remember it so distinctly. Our second set of twins had...
What my little girls need from their daddy
I love having little girls! But as any parent knows well, they are very different from little boys. And, I must admit, because I was a little boy, I get boys. I understand them. I know how they think and what they want. I once thought like they did, and frankly, I...

Available Only Here
Let This Mind Be in You
This guide looks at what it means to be a good servant of Christ, as well as the qualities we must have for making disciples.