If I Were a Dad | ChuckLawless.com

My wife and I don’t have children; but if I were a dad, here’s what I would want.

Source: If I Were a Dad | ChuckLawless.com

After Orlando, Can We Still Weep Together? – Russell Moore

We woke up Sunday morning to news of the worst mass shooting in American history, as a terrorist murdered and injured over a hundred people in a gay nightclub in Orlando. In the aftermath, we’ve seen some of the best… Read More

Source: After Orlando, Can We Still Weep Together? – Russell Moore

How to Make Sense of Things We Can’t Control – Reflections-Ken Samples

How are we to think about our inability to control certain facts of our lives (e.g., our conception, time of birth, place of birth, family, and culture)? These “givens” in life powerfully remind us…

Source: How to Make Sense of Things We Can’t Control – Reflections

Big Moments from St. Louis & SBC 2016 | J.D. GREEAR

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Every year, the SBC annual meeting produces a number of “moments” that stick in people’s minds. Depending on the tone and content of those moments, it can make you proud to be a Southern Baptist…or, sometimes, feel affirmed in your decision not to be one. This year, for most who attended the convention, the former seems to be the case.

Source: Big Moments from St. Louis & SBC 2016 | J.D. GREEAR